Entity 016
A small creative writing thing I did for therapy at one point. Now being shared here :)
My therapist at some point wanted me to just write something based off some random prompts: the number 16 and the word "owl". I was like "yea alright lol" and spat this out:
(yes the image is the owl statue from SDV lol)Entity 016, Owl Statue
Entity #016 is a stone statue consisting of a compound between andesite and a second, yet to be identified material. It's beak is made of a brass shell around basic wireframe scaffolding material beneath. The material comprising the eyes have yet to be identified, as it's properties are unlike anything the research team has been able to equate it to. When placed within the eye sockets of Entity #016, the material forms into a perfectly spherical orb, with a miniature model(or perhaps footage?) of the milky way galaxy viewed from 17h 45.7m, -29.01degrees (GCS)

The owl stands on a square pedestal with a plaque on the front that reads "hoot hoot", the meaning of which has yet to be uncovered.
Entity #016 was originally sighted having randomly appeared on the southernmost plot of farmland belonging to a Mr. [REDACTED] in [REDACTED], USA. After a long day of working in his field, Mr. [REDACTED] went to bed in his cabin. During the night, he was awoken by the sound of an owl, but thought nothing of it. Days later, he found Entity #016 having appeared in the middle of a plot of wheat.
Mr. [REDACTED] tried to report the anomaly to the local police, but was ignored due to the assumption that it was simple vandalism. Mr. [REDACTED] would then move Entity #016 beside his cabin as a form of decoration, but a week later he exited his cabin to find Entity #016 gone, replaced by a pile of owl pellets.
Entity #016 was next seen four months later within [REDACTED] farm, [REDACTED], USA, at which point The Bureau was alerted to Entity #016's existence and a team was sent in for retrieval.
Entity #016 was in containment for 2 months, 16 days before managing to escape during a guard shift change, being replaced yet again by a pile of owl pellets which are presently being examined by Dr. [REDACTED] and her team.
No reports or sightings of Entity #016 have been made since it's disappearance from the Bureau.